Legal Notice
Identity and contact information of the company: Claire Poujoula's company is an individual enterprise registered with the Cannes Trade and Companies Registry under the number 809 896 269 000 44. The company's head office is located at 25bis chemin des Tignes - 06110 Le Cannet.
Publication Director: The Publication Director of the website is Mrs. Claire Poujoula.
Website development : : KAZ agency
Contact information: You can contact us by email at the following address: or by phone at +33 6 66 41 15 50 (non-premium rate number in France).
Hosting: The website is hosted by SiteGround Spain S.L., whose head office is located at Calle de Prim 19, 28004 Madrid, Spain.
Intellectual property : The website The website as well as the whole of the elements which compose it (in particular the texts, images, logos, videos, sounds, marks, etc) are protected by the right of the intellectual property and are the exclusive property of the company Claire Poujoula or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, commercial exploitation or not of all or part of the site or its elements is strictly forbidden without the prior written authorisation of the company Claire Poujoula.
Personal Data: The individual company Claire Poujoula collects and processes the personal data of users of its website in accordance with applicable regulations. To learn more about the collection and processing of personal data, please consult our privacy policy.
Legal Provisions: Claire Poujoula's company reserves the right to modify these legal notices at any time and without prior notice. Users are advised to regularly consult this page to be aware of any changes. In case of dispute, French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.